28 April, 2007

Q3 - What foods have you been pleasantly surprised after trying?

I loves me some kimchee. This is odd because I hate cabbage and that is all kimchee is, but it is so freakin' good!

Red bean paste. Sounds odd, looks gross, tastes excellent. I have only eaten it in pastries and haven't been brave enough to try it in a beverage, since it looks a bit like vomit when it's in a glass.

Tofu Fa, or soy milk curd. Served cold looks like tofu snot, but tastes delicious. I could have eaten two. It also comes served hot, but that looks even more disgusting.

Sweet potato paste, also served in a pastry, and I wish I had gotten more.

I had this local treat and I have no idea what it is called, but it was sooooo good. This little old man stands on the street with a cart and takes these little crispy, wafer-y looking things and sprinkles them with what appears to be a cinnamon/sugar mixture and wraps it in a tortilla-like thing. Mmmmm...whatever it was, it was delicious.

I am really not a picky person and will usually try anything once. Anytime I hesitate to try something, it usually has more to do with texture and I will at least try something once. I even ate deep fried shrimp heads once. See, not at all picky. There are only a few exceptions, but that is a whole other post.

thanks for the question, Yoshi!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You sure won't try those thousand-year-old eggs once! Even I tried that.