17 March, 2007

It's Picture Day!!!

"Beggars can't be choosers"

I love to take pictures. Some of you may know this. I am pretty good at it, too, not to toot my own horn. Much. So I thought I would post some random pictures periodically. I am not going to designate a specific day for this, 'cause that way I don't have to remember to do it. Hehe.

This picture is one I took in Vancouver in 2005 while we were there on holiday. The trip was initially to Seattle, then a train ride to Vancouver and back to Seattle, and a then onto Olympia for a friends wedding.

This raccoon actually attacked some dumb chick that was striking a pose next to it and a sign that says to leave the raccoons alone because they bite. It tried to bite her and it successfully scratched her. Her boyfriend proceeded to throw stuff at it, like it was the raccoons fault. I said something rude about hoping that she gets rabies and leave the raccoon alone. Then I took these beautiful pictures...


Yoshi said...

Hey, that was my wedding! :P

Yes, you really take good photos. I really need to take more pictures. My project 365 is very lacking.

HK Muse said...

Thanks, Yoshi! It's nice to hear some one besides me likes my pics!

Anonymous said...

What a cute pic! I want to love on that raccoon, what a sweet face.

I love your pics.