21 March, 2007

Questions and Answers

You ask 'em, I'll answer 'em...

Does anyone have any questions about Hong Kong or about living in Hong Kong? Anything remotely related? Curious about anything? Just have to know something?

If you do, please post it in the comments and I will respond A.S.A.P.

I already have one good one I am working on. Feel free to ask away...

You all asked some really good questions! There are quite a few and I will answer them all as quickly as I can. Thanks!


Yoshi said...

Have you been to any Hong Kong action movie auditions? (this could be a cybr question)

What foods will you typically refuse to eat? (fuzzy pork comes to mind)

What foods have you been pleasantly surprised after trying?

(look at me, it's all about food)

Anonymous said...

If you had to move from STL to Hong Kong again, what would you do differently?

Anonymous said...

How do the "locals" treat you & Cybr? Specifically Americans?

What do you absolutly LOVE about Hong Kong? What do you NOT love about it?